Offener Brief an NATO/OTAN Chef Rasmussen

To: Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Secretary General of NATO)

Subject: Your comments on Russia’s involvement in European anti-fracking groups (Open letter)

Dear NATO Secretary-General Rasmussen,

We the undersigned are groups of citizens and environmental organizations that are concerned about fracking and shale gas drilling and that campaign against the development of unconventional fossil fuels like shale gas in Europe. We were astonished to read your comment about us in several European media outlets: “Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations - environmental organisations working against shale gas - to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas”.

Such allegations are not new but, until now, existed only as unsubstantiated, perfidious rumors.

As NATO’s work heavily depends on detailed and precise intelligence-gathering, we hope that your extra-ordinary claim about the European anti-fracking movement is backed up by extra-ordinary evidence. We therefore call on you, as the secretary-general of an important regional military organization with global reach, to either offer proof for these accusations or to publicly apologize for this false statement. Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to the fact, that the European
authorities, such as the European Commission, have already published several studies demonstrating the high risks involved in the fracking industry—as have leading scientists around the world. Does Secretary General Rasmussen believe that these institutions and individuals are all Russian dupes?

Ironically, as widely recognized, fracking for shale gas will neither reduce Europe’s dependency on Russian gas supplies nor will it lead to lower gas prices. Anti-fracking groups across Europe agree that Europe’s increasing reliance on imported fossil fuels like natural gas is a concern, and we are therefore convinced that an ambitious development of renewables and serious investment in energy efficiency is the best way to reduce our reliance on Russian fossil fuels. We would welcome a serious and informed discussion on the topic of energy security.

Anti-fracking groups are raising awareness about the risks of shale gas development for the climate, air, water and public health. Social movements like ours have a key role toplay in nurturing a public debate about the future of European climate, environmental and low-carbon energy policies. The precautionary principle, the principle of preventive action, the ‘polluter pays’ principle are written into the Lisbon Treaty. Preserving, protecting and improving the quality of the environment and combating climate change are key objectives of the EU.

Labeling the European anti-fracking movement as infiltrated by Russian agents undermines the legitimate public debate about the risks and impacts of fracking and undermines our democratic institutions.

This is not the first time that we have been accused of being Gazprom spies or “working against the public interests of the state”. We will no longer tolerate a defamation or criminalization of our important work. If there are indeed groups that oppose fracking and that are secretly working with Russia against the interests of the European people, we would also like to know who they are.

Therefore, we look forward to receiving proof of your accusations. Or a public apology.

Yours sincerely,

Several groups, active in the European anti-fracking movement, support the contents of this open letter.

Signatures :

The European anti-fracking movement

  1. Food & Water Europe
  2. BI Lebenswertes Korbach e.V. (Germany)
  3. BI Fracking freies Hessen (Germany)
  4. Schaliegasvrij Nederland
  5. Ecologistas en Accion, Spain
  6. Asociatia România Fără Ei, Romania
  7. Supported by Josh Fox
  8. Attac France
  9. “Activists Without Borders” / “Activisti Fara Frontiere” [Romania]
  10. Les Amis de la Terre / Friends of the Earth France
  11. Collectif citoyen, Pézenas, Castelnau de Guers et environs ( France )
  12. Collectif du Céressou ( France)
  13. Fracking Free Ireland - Brussels (Belgium)
  14. Collectif GAZPART-02 Soissons- (France)
  15. Collectif Stop gaz de schiste Anduze (30-France)
  16. Collectif Non au gaz et huile de schiste (47-France)
  17. Collectif Gaz de Schiste NonMerci - Clapiers (34-France)
  18. Fracking Free Clare
  19. Not For $hale
  20. Heaven Or sHell, Sweden
  21. Climaxi, Belgium
  22. Asociatia “Valea Soarelui” / Sun Valley Association (Romania, Mures)
  23. Friends of the Earth Scotland
  24. Koalice Stop HF, Czech Republic
  25. Asociatia „Mişcarea de rezistenţă din Pungeşti”, Romania
  26. Keep Ireland Fracking Free (KIFF)
  27. Collectifs Isérois STOP GHRM 38 ( France)
  28. Collectif Hainaut 59 (France)
  29. Collectif Roynac 26 (France)
  30. Collectif Citoyen du Narbonnais Non Gaz et Pétrole de Schiste (France - 11)
  31. Collectif d’Anduze (30) France
  32. Collectif Montpellier littoral contre les huile et gaz de schiste (France-34)
  33. Collectif Bassin de Thau (France - 34)
  34. Collectif de Sète (France - 34)
  35. Collectif “Eco’lectif Dégaze de Gignac et Environs”( France -34)
  36. Fracking Free Ireland
  37. Collectif 07 Stop au Gaz et Huiles de Schiste (France-07)
  38. Collectif “Non gaz de schiste” Florac ( France - 48)
  39. Collectif 91 non au gaz et petrole de schiste (France)
  40. Collectif Ile-de-France contre les pétrole et gaz de schiste (France)
  41. Collectif stop gaz de schiste Roquedur-Le Vigan (France - 30)
  42. Collectif de Campagnan (34 - France)
  43. Collectif stop gaz de schiste 69 (France)
  44. Collectif Basta! Gaz Alès (France - 30)
  45. Collectif Vigilance Plaine d’Alès Camis-gaz (France - 30)
  46. Collectif Houille-ouille-ouille 59/62 (France)
  47. Collectif Orb-Jaur non au gaz de schiste (France - 34)
  48. Fundacja Strefa Zieleni / Green Zone Foundation (Poland)
  49. Centrum Zrównowazonego Rozwoju / Center for Sustainable Development (Poland)
  50. Network (Poland)
  51. Fundatia Speranta Sf. Stefan (Romania, Mures)
  52. GISC Barlad / Group for Initiative of Civil Society Barlad (Romania)
  53. Asociația Grupul de Intervenție Civică, România / Civic Intervention Group, Romania
  54. Collectif STOP GDHC d’Alsace et de Lorraine
  55. Asociaţia România Vie, România / The România Vie Society, Romania
  56. Comunitatea “Uniţi Salvăm”, România / The “United We Save” Community, Romania
  57. Asociatia SPEhRo Romania
  58. Asociatia ,,Amicii Bucovinei’’ Romania
  59. IG Schönes Lünne (Germany)
  60. BI FrackingFreies Hamburg (Germany)
  61. BI gegen CO2-Endlager e.V. (Germany)
  62. IG Fracking-freies Artland e.V. (Germany)
  63. Fracking Free Bulgaria
  64. Collectif pays cigalois (France)
  65. Collectif Montpeyroux (France 34)
  66. Collectif Arboras (France 34)
  67. Asociatia DobroGeea, Romania
  68. East Kent Against Fracking (UK)
  69. Collectif "Montpellier Littoral contre les gaz, pétrole de schiste!" (France)
  70. Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich / The Civil Affairs Institute (Poland)
  71. IG Gegen Gasbohren Hamminkeln/Niederrhein (Germany)
  72. Aktionsbündnis No Moor Fracking (Germany)
  73. Asociatia Miscarea de Rezistenta de la Pungesti
  74. Bore Free Eastry (UK)
  75. Collectif du Minervois
  76. BI Frackingfreie Zukunft- Herzogtum Lauenburg (Germany)
  77. Collectif Non au pétrole de schiste - Bocage Gâtinais (France 77-89-45)

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